Mother Thrice Admirable

Ingolstadt, Germany (1604)


On April 6, 1604, at the Jesuit College of the Catholic University in Ingolstadt, the devotional Society Colloquium Marianum was chanting the litany of Loreto in the chapel, before a copy of  the ancient icon Salus Populi Romani (Health of the Roman People). 

The group's founder, Fr. Jakob Rem, saw a vision of the Mother of God, who indicated that her favorite  title from the Litany was Mater Admirabilis. As the cantor sung that invocation, the vision disappeared, and Father Rem asked him to repeat it twice more. 

When the reason for the  odd repetition became  known, the Colloquium began repeating that title three times whenever they sang the Litany and calling  the Ingolstadt icon Mother Thrice Admirable.



Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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