Newsletter Marypages 2023

Chairman’s message
Dear donors,
We thank all donors for their financial support over the past year. Marypages could only survive with your help.
For donors who want to support us again this year with a donation of at least 50 euros, we have another beautiful miraculous medal (also called Miraculous or Miraculous medal or Medal of the Immaculate Conception). This is a medal designed in response to Marian apparitions to Catherine Labouré in 1830 and a choice of two types of rosaries; a black/blue mother-of-pearl or a transparent mother-of-pearl. Both from Lourdes, with a detailed description. Some holy water from the source in Lourdes has been incorporated into the rosary. Both the medal and the rosary are blessed.
In the month of May, the month of Mary, we post a beautiful prayer and a beautiful image of Mary every day, both on Facebook and on Instagram. We also post holidays of pilgrimage places, holidays of the Virgin Mary, Catholic holidays and holidays of saints and blesseds daily on social media. We do this in both Dutch and English.
Of course, a donation is very welcome and of course without obligation, but in order to secure the future of Marypages, we remain dependent on your donations. We trust that we can continue to count on everyone who cares about Marypages, so that we can continue to achieve our objectives.
Social function
We offer our donors and followers the opportunity to have a prayer read by a priest at the Mary Grotto in Lourdes for a donation of 10 euros and also to have this prayer supported by burning a candle with Mary. We offer you the same possibility with regard to the sanctuary in Fatima.
We also support, where possible, organizations with a Roman Catholic foundation.
Future and developments Marypages
Our chairman works every day on Marypages and embellishes it with even more translations of pages in 9 other languages. For example, in the last year there are more than 100 pages added to Marypages.
About 60,000 people from all over the world visit Marypages every month. That's 720,000 visitors per year.
Canonizations in 2022:
On Sunday morning, May 15, 2022, Pope Francis canonized Titus Brandsma and Charles de Foucauld alongside eight others.
Beatification in 2022 2023:
On Sunday, September 4, 2022, Pope John Paul I (also known as the 33-Day Pope or the Laughing Pope) was beatified by Pope Francis.
Five Catholic priests were beatified in France on April 22, 2023, 152 years after they were taken as hostages and shot dead in the street by Paris Commune rebels.
Mary prayer:
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Prayer of the Miraculous Medal
O Mary, conceived without
sin, pray for us who have
recourse to you, and for all
who do not have recourse
to you, especially the
enemies of the Church and
those recommended to
you. Amen.