Take and wear the Miraculous Medal
The Miraculous Medal owes its origins to the Apparitions of Mary in the Chapel of the Rue du Bac in Paris in 1830.
The Miraculous Medal is a special medal. The original name is "the Medal of Mary's Immaculate Conception".
On Saturday, November 27, 1830, the Immaculate Virgin appeared to Sister Catherine Labouré, Daughter of Charity, and entrusted her with the mission of having a medal struck according to the model shown to her.
“Let a medal be struck after this model,” said the Blessed Virgin,
“those who wear them with confidence will receive great graces, especially if they wear them around the neck.”
The Medal has spread very quickly. Many graces of conversion, protection and healing were obtained.
In connection with these extraordinary facts, the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr. de Quelen, to conduct an official investigation into the origins and effects of the Medal of the Rue du Bac. Here's the result:
The extraordinary rapidity with which this Medal has been distributed, the astonishing number of medals minted and distributed, the admirable benefits and the exceptional graces obtained through the trust of the faithful, seem truly to be a sign from Heaven by which the veracity of the apparitions, the truth of the seer's story and the distribution of the Medal are confirmed.
In 1846, after the sensational conversion of the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne in Rome, Pope Gregory XVI confirmed the above conclusion of the Archbishop of Paris.
So if you love the Blessed Virgin and if you have confidence in her mighty intercession:
Then always wear the Medal to continue to live in God's grace and enjoy the protection of the Immaculate Virgin
Then pray the invocation engraved on the Medal every day. The Blessed Virgin wished to be greeted and invoked thus:
Make the Medal known in your area; give them especially to the sick and afflicted
Lourdes and the Miraculous Medal
The Miraculous Medal is well known. But it is often denied that the apparitions in the Chapel of Rue du Bac prepared the great events of Lourdes. "The Lady of the Grotto appeared to me as she is depicted in the Miraculous Medal," explained Bernadette, who received the Medal of the Rue du Bac wore.
The invocation of the Medal:
“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You”
Spread everywhere by the Miraculous Medal, it sparked a huge movement of faith that led Pope Pius IX to define the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. Four years later, the appearance of Massabielle confirmed this Roman definition in an unprecedented way.
On the occasion of the centenary of this definition, in 1954, the Holy See had a commemorative medal struck. The Miraculous Medal and the Grotto of Lourdes on the reverse underlined the close connection of the two apparitions with the definition of the Immaculate Virgin.
Just as Lourdes is an inexhaustible source of graces, the Miraculous Medal is always the instrument of the never-failing goodness of O. L. Woman for all the sinners and unfortunates of the world.
In the apparitions and in the Medal, Christians can find the essentials of Christianity, as well as the Church's teaching on the providential place of Mary in the Redemption and especially her universal mediation.
We currently have very beautiful Miraculous Medals with English text. Every Miraculous Medal we send is blessed.
Your intentions:
If you wish, we can pass on your prayer intention to the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, Rue du Bac 140 in Paris (France).
Every Tuesday your prayer intentions are offered to the Virgin Mary at the foot of the altar.