“Kozelshchansk” Icon of the Mother of God

Kobeliaky, Ukraine (16th c.) 

In the 1700s, an italian attendant to Empress Elizabeth brought this Italian icon to Russia. After  marrying an army clerk, the lady and her icon moved to the Ukraine.

The icon’s feast on March 6 (February 21 old Orthodox calendar) commemorates the healing  of Maria, daughter of Count Vladimir Kapnist, who owned the icon in 1881. 

After cleaning its cover and praying before the sacred  image, Maria recovered  from a mysterious crippling  illness. As its fame grew and miracles multiplied, the  icon was moved to a chapel built for it in Kozelschyna,  later enlarged to a church and then a convent.

The  icon was hidden and then  returned to the Nativity of the Mother of God church at Kozelschyna in 1993.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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