Virgin of Suyapa

Honduras (1747)

Feast Day: February 3

The tiny image of Our Lady of the Conception of Suyapa was found by a humble peasant in 1747.

Two young field workers were half way home in the dark when they realized that they should spend the night and tried to rest on the hard ground.

Finding a uncomfortable object on his back, he picked it up and threw it far away. Strangely enough, he tried to sleep again and felt the object again and instead he put it away in his knapsack.

At day break he discovered that the mysterious object was a small image of Our Lady carved in cedar wood.

In 1925, Pius Xl declared Our Lady of Suyapa patroness of the Republic of Honduras, and February 3 was chosen as her feast day with proper Mass and office. The first shrine was blessed in 1780.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill 

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