Virgin of Grace

Aés, Spain (1575) 


On May 23, 1575, as widow Maria Sainz de Quijano said the rosary while watching sheep on Hedilla Mountain, she saw the Virgin appear. 

She asked that a chapel be built on that spot. To the woman's objection that people wouldn't believe  her, the Virgin promised that she would help. The  woman found she could not get up, calling for her  daughter Juana, who carried her mother home on her back. Maria asked her to get the vicar, who dismissed it, saying the shepherdess must have been dreaming and suddenly he went blind. 

The vicar dictated a letter to the Archbishop, asking him to construct a chapel so to regain his sight. The chapel was built and renovated several times over the centuries. An annual romeria to the shrine  occurs on May 23.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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