The Virgin Guide

Alcaracejos, Spain (13th c.)

Four Sierra Morena towns share the custody and  patronage of the Virgin of Guidance: Fuente la Lancha, Villanueva del Duque, Hinojosa del Duque, and Alcaracejos.

One  legend says that a herder found the Virgin's statuette in the hollow of a oak tree whose acorns bore a similar image on their caps. Another says that the herder found it in the basin of a fountain, and tried to bring it home. 

But when he got home, the  image was gone. The next  day, he found it in the same  place, and the same thing  happened: the man tried  again to take it home, but it  mysteriously returned. The original bronze statue was   lost during the Civil War; the present image is a replica   made in 1939. On February 24 each year, the statue is   carried from Villanueva to  Alcaracejos to stay until Easter.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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