The Sven Caves Icon of the Mother of God
Briansk, Russia (1288)
Prince Roman of Chernigov who became blind, requested that the icon be sent to him at Briansk. A priest went with the icon along the River Desna and after lodging for the night on the right bank of the River Svena, the icon was missing from the boat. It was found on a hill on the opposite bank, resting in the branches of an oak tree. The Prince came to the icon and was healed of his blindness. A wooden church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the tree on which the icon rested was cut up and used as wood for other icons. The icon was glorified by healings of the blind and of the possessed, and has long been regarded as a protector from enemies.
Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill
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