Our Lady of Vladimir
Moscow, Russia (1395)
One of the most beloved and well-known Marian images in the world, the Mother of God of Viadimir is an icon of the Tenderness type. A prince brought the tempera panel from Kiev when he became ruler of Vladimir, placing it in the Dormition Cathedral. Carried to Moscow in 1395, the image was credited with lifting Tamerlane’s siege, commemorated annually on September 8. In 1480, after victory over invading Tatars, the image moved to Moscow permanently. lt is said to have been moved from Jerusalem to Constantinople in 450. The Virgin of Vladimir hung in Moscow's Church of Annunciation until 1918.
June 3rd (May 21 Julian calendar) commemorates Moscow's deliverance from Khan Mahmet Ghirei in 1521.
Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill
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