Our Lady of the Angels

Arcola, Italy (1556) 


May 21was the feast of Pentecost and the family of Baldassare Fiamberti attended Mass in the parish  church of Arcola. With the consent of the parents, the five daughters of the family headed to the nearby forest property, where they sometimes used to go to play and then pray. After a walk the church bells rang, and they stopped to pray the rosary. The songs of angels and light like paradise surrounded them. A lady in white as bright as the sun appeared saying:  “Fear not. I am Mary, the  Mother of Jesus, Queen of Angels. Go, tell the people  to pray and do penance.” 

An investigation by the  Bishop of Sarzana declared  the event miraculous. The Shrine of Our Lady of  Angels City of Arcola Liguria  was completed in 1558.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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