Our Lady of Splendor
Giulianova, Italy (1557)
One day around noon, a pious farmer named Bertolino stopped gathering firewood to rest under an olive tree on a little hill outside the walls of Giulianova.
He was about to get up when he saw a light in the branches, and in its center the Virgin Mary, who told him to hurry to Giulianova, and spread the story of the vision. She told him to ask the clergy for a procession to honor her and to build a sanctuary.
When one of the governor’s men struck him and fell mute and paralyzed, the governor believed, and called the clergy and people to go in procession to the site.
They all saw the Virgin, and under the tree, a spring had welled up. News of the apparition coincided with the end of a plague that had devastated the whole region.
Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill
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