Our Lady of Lujan

Argentina (1630)


Around the year 1630, when a man from Portugal was  transporting the statue and his mules stopped on the  shores of the Lujan River, he left it with a slave who for  more than forty years was its guardian, building a brick  chapel for the many pilgrims who came to venerate it. 

It was later moved to the location where it currently  resides. In 1887 a basilica was built on the spot.

Among the Popes who have honored Our Lady of Lujan  are Clement Xl, Clement XIV, Pius VI, Pius IX, Leo  XIII, Pius Xl, Pius Xll, and John Paul II, who personally  bestowed a Golden Rose on the statue of Our Lady.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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