Our Lady of Grace 4

Piove di Sacco, Italy (1631) 


During the four centuries of Venetian rule, the greatest  problem for the people of Piove di Sacco was the  plague, which in several occurrences over many years brought much misery. 

The plague of 1576 was long remembered for its many victims of Padova. 

Far more serious was the plague of 1631 in which in  Padova alone 18,000 people lost their lives. When the  plague continued to impact the people, a procession was made to the church of Saint Rocco but it did not  stop. The death register recorded 362 deaths in three  years.

On April 26, 1631 the  town council decided to ask for the help of the Virgin, and on May 6, there was a  plague-ending procession to the church of the Madonna  delle Grazie that is still  remembered annually with a  procession on that day.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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