Our Lady of Bocciola

Vacciago di Ameno, Italy (1528)

The Sanctuary of Bocciola in Ameno has its origins on Monday, May 28, 1543, when "the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a girl who was tending animals".

Giulia  Manfredi of  Vacciago, dumb from birth, suddenly saw in  a blaze in the branches of a lackthorn the Madonna and Child. Our Lady asked them  to increase their devotion and in return would be her  special protection. As proof of the truth of the promise  and the appearance, Giulia Manfredi began to speak.

When she told the neighbours what had happened and  what had been commanded, suddenly the church bells  began to ring without being touched by anyone.

The  church has been elevated by Pope Gregory XVI in  1844 with the official title of  “Sanctuary”.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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