Our Lady Help of Christians

Pra, Italy (1874)


On May 12, 1874, the  Blessed Virgin appeared to the shepherds Vincenzo Scossiera (12) and Angela Berruti (13). Angela first saw a lady high off the ground  and on a cloud beckoning her to come closer, wearing  a brown-colored dress and veil. Vincenzo came to the  place and saw the lady in blue but he became scared  and ran to the house.

Others including Magdalene Olivieri, and, Teresa  Burnengo (36) saw the Madonna as Angela had  seen her. On October 25, Maria Pegollo (13) went to the site and saw the Virgin Mary dressed in black. 

Our Lady said that she wanted a chapel in that  place, which was built, amidst opposition from the authorities of Feglino.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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