Mother of God Crowned

Borgo Incoronta, Italy  (1001) 


On April 26th (the last Saturday of April) of1001 the Virgin appeared on an oak tree in the forest of Cervaro to two people: the Count of Ariano Irpino, who was hunting and a shepherd named Strazzacappa.

A great glow rose from the tree and the Virgin appeared as the Mother of God and asked them to build a church on the place of the promised joys and  blessings. The Virgin was accompanied by two angels who held onto her head a  triple crown.

The count saw and heard what Mary said: “Do not fear, my son, because I am the Mother of God. You will find a  statue on this tree which will become a pledge of blessing to many. You shall place it in the church that  you care to build here in my honor.”


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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