Blessed Virgin of Sorrows
Campocavallo, Italy (1892)
In the 1870s, a small country chapel was built three miles from Osimo, a town just inland from the Adriatic near the world famous shrine of Loreto.
An oleograph of the Pieta bought from a traveling salesman was hung there.
On June 16, 1892, a few women who stayed to pray after mass saw the eyes of the Sorrowful Virgin move and blink. News of the “prodigy” traveled rapidly and widely. On July 7, a blind woman regained sight. The same year, the present magnificent sanctuary was built and consecrated in 1905. It is the focus of the Festa del Covo, a Nativity-themed harvest festival the first Sunday of August, and the Festa dell Addolorata the third Sunday of September.
Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill
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