Virgin of Sorrows

La Codosera, Spain (1945)   


At 3 pm on May 27, 1945, a girl Marcelina Exposito    Barroso and her cousin Agustina Gonzalez, were   walking to the next village to run an errand. They had gone about two miles, when Marcelina noticed    something off the road.   

Our Lady of Sorrows, was half way up the trunk of a tree, with black cloak embroidered with stars, hands together, and a beautiful but sorrowful face.   

The vision disappeared, and the girl ran to the village    and told her mother what had happened, and word   spread. On June 4, the Blessed Virgin told her to walk on her knees which she did without a scratch.   

The diocesan curia of Badajoz has not yet officially    pronounced on these facts, but allowed the construction    of the Shrine. 



Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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