Our Lady of the Pine

Montagnaga, Italy (1729)


Domenica Targa (30) was busy watching her cattle  which started running in all directions, when she cried:  “Mary, Jesus, help me.” The Virgin Mary appeared with  a white veil and promised her help in exchange for  her making a pilgrimage on the Ascension to St. Anne  in Montagnaga that had an image by Caravaggio. She  went and as she knelt in prayer the crowned Blessed  Virgin appeared again in a golden robe, with Jesus in  her arms, asking that the local priest be told of the  apparition and that a feast be established. 

In 1730, an ecclesiastical investigation began which  had a positive result. A sanctuary was built and  consecrated in 1750.





Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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