Our Lady of the Cloud
Quito, Ecuador (1696)
When Sancho de Andrade y Figueroa, Bishop of Quito, was gravely ill, Our Lady was carried in procession in petition for his health.
On December 30, 1696, when the procession reached the Church, its bell sounded the signal for praying the Glory Be.
According to official documents in the archdiocesan archives, the chaplain Don Jose de Ulloa y la Cadena first and then all present saw the Virgin resting on a cloud between the sanctuaries of Guapulo and Quinche, with a crown on her head, a lily in her right hand, and the Child in her left arm.
Afterwards, the bishop got better and when fully recovered he authorized devotion to Our Lady of the Cloud, erecting an altar to her in Quito Cathedral.
Text and image used with permission
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'NeillDownload the free "365 Days with Mary" app