Our Lady of Pradelles

France (1512)  

Devotion to Our Lady of Pradelles began in 1512\, with the discovery of her statue in the soil of a field by the hospital, where the chapel bell tower stands now.

But the event that brought her fame occurred March 10, 1588, during the wars of religion. Having ravaged the region for some  time, Huguenot troops came to attack Pradelles, but they were defeated and the town spared pillage. The  inhabitants attributed this victory to Mary's protection. 

In 1793, revolutionaries  threw the statue on the  fire. Someone pulled it out, half burned. Restored with local pine, it returned  to the chapel in 1802 and  was crowned solemnly on  July 18, 1869.

The annual  pilgrimage takes place at the feast of the Assumption.


Text and image used with permission.
Source: "365 Days with Mary" by Michael O'Neill

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