Miraculous Painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

The painting was crowned on 15th August 1887 

Holy Mother of Kalwaria, pray for us

The painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska cried with bloody tears on 3rd May 1641 and in the miraculous way was carried over to the Sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. The painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska was at the beginning in a mansion-house which belonged to Stanisław from Brzezia Paszkowski. Prayers in front of this painting were in the early morning and twilight. They prayed everyday what was typical for gentleman’s mansions in Poland.

It is worth to notice, that Christianity in Poland was received first by the sovereign Mieszko (966), and after him by other persons from his environment, by magnates: the Polish nobility and counts. Going after the example of the most educated persons at that time, also other Polish started to receive baptism.

Everyday pious Paszkowscy family and their domestic service, prayed in front of the beautiful painting of the Holy Mother. On Friday, on 3rd May 1641 the painting of the Holy Mother started to cry by bloody tears. A priest who came, acknowledged that it is the result of the Lord’s activity and insisted on Mr. Paszkowski to carry the painting to the church in Marcyporęba.

On Saturday, on 4th May arrived a lot of persons, who desired to see the tears of the Holy Mother. It caused that Mr. Paszkowski decided to carry the painting to the church on the next day, that is on Sunday.

After confession, Mr. Paszkowski started on a journey to carry the Painting to Marcyporęba. At this moment however, some unseen hand led him in another direction. He wandered long time with this painting, and finally he reached the Sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska.

However, At the beginning the monks did not receive permission to place the painting in the church. On 4th October 1658 (17 years later) a bishop of Kraków Mikołaj Oborski permitted to carry the painting to the church.

Soon after magnate Michał Zebrzydowski founded the chapel for this Miraculous Painting, in which chapel this painting is by today.

The crowning of the painting had place on 15th August 1887. Pope Leo XIII agreed to the crowning of the painting.

The painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska was adored also by Pope John Paul II, who was born in neighbouring Wadowice and often prayed in front of this Miraculous Painting in the Sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska.